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tv   Road to the White House  CSPAN  December 1, 2013 10:25pm-11:01pm EST

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called america works, education and training for tomorrow's jobs. what you find in america right is you do have companies have moved jobs overseas because of corporate tax rate, workers here, rules, regulations, or other types of policies. to try to get the countries to -- and they are, reshore the jobs back to america. in order to retain our jobs, we have to have the right skill our, the right education in nation to be able to provide those employers with the skills we need. now, we have a mismatch. back 55 years ago. of the jobs in america needed a high school degree to reach the middle class. your word, byron, middle class. to reach the middle class to make a good wage in america. ecause of technology, innovation, how we travel across the world and how we compete in
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global economy, now that number has dropped down it's not 79% anymore. it's around 35% of our jobs in high school a diploma, which means we have a big skill scant. it's in the manufacturing jobs, john. you can't show up with a high get l degree and expect to a job in a manufacturing plant. you have to have some type of to do, to read, to write, basic math, to operate to machinery, the equipment, the things that you have. so as a nation, we're falling behind. industrialized nations, 14th in reading, 17th in science, 25th in math. 34 nations. we're a better nation than that. to compete and remain internationally globally competitive, we have to change and we haven system to address the needs of our employers. it up to you open guys, but before we do that, manziel y, is johnny
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going to win the heisman again? >> i don't have a clue. i played six-man football. >> you're an aggie, you're yeah, baby, yeah. >> i don't have an idea. he is fun to watch play. here's what i will project. i will make a prediction -- that i'm very confident in and that is that texas a&m will beat the lsu this weekend in football. >> all right. lsu fans out here. >> bring that on, bobby jindal. >> come on, bobby. come on. >> let's open it up for questions. >> going to beat baylor. >> lsu -- >> we have a microphone? hand held microphone? okay, shout it out. >> that could be good. that could be good. >> can i ask the first question?
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first question. >> thank you. > what governor kasich said, not to say anything away from education. you did gloss over a little bit joe's fairness. asking about specifically taxes billionaires meaning interest with hedge fund billionaires. member of congress who wanted leadership with the republicans. right?ure capital firms, >> google? >> i'm just saying you have to think about this. it's not so simple. know, economics is complicated. when you work in business, you how people erstand make decisions. 15%her they should have the carry or not. examine it s let's instead of just doing it. onald reagan wanted to cut marginal rates. maybe he was from the rich, i don't know. it from 70 when he was president. >> we're talking about 17%. gains in red capital
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1997 and we got to a balanced budget because we provided incentives. all of this money sitting on the sidelines, you know what they're doing? twitter ipo.e i'm not telling you that -- you know what i think we ought to have a flatter tax with fewer provisions for these to, you know, loopholes or provisions. get the taxes flatter and get taxes down.e that will help us, that will help businesses to be more competitive. frankly a lower flatter tax for americans is good. believe in appen to an earned income tax credit. that could accompany it. it's one way. we had the largest tax cut in the united states in the last budget. we -- we have earned income tax credits. refundable. it helps people. that's a reagan philosophy. help them both ways. so with carried interest. i haven't spent enough time
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it.nking about it should be on the table. at the end of the day, let's not up omething that gums venture capital that's creating the 24th century businesses. let's be careful about that. is a question about popularity. conservatism and populism and marrying those two things together. i'll keep going, to rick's dad, my dad, john's day. of people just think, wall 16,000 the dow over people losing, seeming every further and further behind. too big to fail, bigger to fail, bigger than before. there are a lot of conservatives with a small c out there that conservative populist talking about this issue, talking about breaking up banks. why are -- why do we keep to move bad behavior forward and rewarding bad behavior.
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of the derstanding conservative principle is the power, down concentrated whether it's from government or monopolies in effect we don't think it's a good thing. matter if monopolies are inside government or outside, it's concentration of power that can steam roll an economy. a social system is not that thing. party.ot been that we can still not be that party. it's on economic issues where we the that's the big source of energy in the republican party right guyss outsiders and little against great concentrated power, right? issues like n education, governor jindal and former governor jeb bush came to washington not long ago to stand the department of choking ecause they're
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the situations in louisiana. they opened up the school system black kids, 90% 100% of them poor, all of them dnf failing schools to open system so they can have a better school. two first parents in washington, michelle and barack obama choose the best for their kids. why shouldn't all americans have the equal opportunity to choose the best school for their kids. republican idea that you can take to the inner city, that you can take into the hispanics, that you can take to lower and middle voters. who's the favor? everybody. so guys, we appreciate it, thank you all for being here today.
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>> tomorrow connecticut governor will speak in washington, d.c. about some of the issues his state is focused on, in particular, education. be speaking at the american enterprise institute p.m. eastern on c-span 2. 1974, vice t 9, president ford was sworn in as president of the united states. mrs. forde dress that was wearing at the swearing in ceremony in the east room of the house. she was less than excited about becoming first lady. but president ford encouraged her, saying we can do this. he resolved if i'm going to have do this, i'm going to have fun doing it. for her started immediately. within ten days, she had a state
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king husseinertain of jordan. it was something she had to prepare for as her role as first lady and she hit the ground running. >> first lady, betty ford, eastern, live9:00 on c-span and c-span 3, also on radio and >> late last month, "the wall ceo et journal" hosted the meeting in washington, d.c. they focused on global economy to business investment. u.s. trade representative michael froman was one of the speakers. trade ed about the u.s. deals including the transpacific the ership agreement and transalantic partnership with europe. this is a little more than 20 minutes.
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>> good morning. i appreciate you joining us, ambassador. there's lots to talk about. massive agreements being negotiated in asia and europe. that in a timeay of political paralysis, the an nistration is taking aggressive tone on trade. >> what we have the most vicious now.e agenda right the transpacific partnership, 12 transalantic creative investment partnership, when two, we'llwith those have free trade with 65% to 0% of the global economy. we have three negotiations going on right now in geneva, on trade facilitation, on the elimination barriers, on the technology products and on services. thehere's a lot going on in trade side. and what we achieve these agreements and get them approved congress, it will position the u.s. very well as being a place where people want
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to produce products and send the world.ere around >> you sound very confident that you're going to reach these agreements. talk about the asia pac, known as tpp. among 12 negotiated countries, very complicated. you set a december deadline. some concern that the administration is so intent on reaching this deadline that it ould make some concessions along the way. >> if the leaders have said that the objective is to complete this year, ations that's an ambitious objective. hard 're going to work as as we can, we're working literally around the clock now out issues, narrow differences, tee up the issues input to ire political get resolve. we're not going to run into a deadline.ust to hit a the substance will dictate the timing of the deal. we know where the stake holders interests are. we're working as hard as we can to make sure we have an can bring backwe and demonstrate how it will create jobs in every
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congressional district and state in manufacturing and agricultural services. >> a growing sense that the want the rules against currency manipulation inserted into this. complicated. the picture here. are you in favor of that? serious it's a very issue. and obviously treasury department has the lead on this. you'll be seeing treasury secretary alou here in a few minutes. the issue, currency manipulation is an issue that they focussed on from the start. engagement oneral down. every level, we've engaged in currency ng their towards the more market oriented exchange rate. g-20, the imf, the treasury department, the rest of the administration has worked to ensure that we kept market-oriented exchange rates on the agenda. plays to the tpp, it remains to be seen.
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consulting with congress, onsulting with the stake holders. we agreed with the seriousness of the issue. the question is how best and how effectively to deal with it. >> how would it play out? currency intervention rules into it, what would the u.s. give up? sketch that out? >> a number of ideas out there that's unclear at the moment. of issues people are focused on. ne is the kind of currency policies that china has pursued. some progress in regards to china since june of moved ere the currency 15%, 17% in real terms. it's not far enough or fast enough. been some movement in part because of continuous pressure from the g-20 of the directly to and the others. the more recent concern as you know it is the concern about actions taken to stimulate japan's economy that had an effect on the currency. bit more complicated, s people know, not many of the
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opportunities the bank of japan engages in are not dissimilar to what the federal reserve engages in. we have to be careful on how we mow we ut currency and link it to trade rules. e don't want to put ourselves in a defensive position as well. >> you were also involved in the for the south korea trade pac. you argued it's done a lot to boost exports. that's not ses say the case. >> it's clear when you look at have come down and where they've come out accordingly. i use autos. it's an extremely low base. we had few exports to south agreement. to the but now, auto exports from the u.s. have gone up over 50%, very small base. auto exports from the big three have gone up, very significantly as well. a lot of issues, a lot of
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actors go into what happens from a bilateral trade deficit from one quarter to another quarter. deficit me time, the with korea may have increased colombia and th panama also implemented around the same time have gone up dramatically. goes to the g differential growth rates in the various economies. we're can do is make sure reducing the barriers and the exports have a chance to compete field. vel playing >> get closer to home and talk about congress. here was a bit of a backlash that brewed last week about the trade negotiations. have you anticipated the fight ahead in getting everything approved. >> we've been talking to throughout these negotiations. the -- the formal process called trade promotion authority expired in 2007. that's a process every congress 1974 ery president since have worked on together. it's the process where congress
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what your xecutive negotiating objectives are, how to look with congress in the procedures and the under which congress will approve or disapprove a trade pac when it's done. the consultation procedures of 2007 trade promotion authority expired, we felt bound by them, we've been operating so every proposal we put on the table in tpp, for example, or in ttip, the european negotiation, is previewed with congress, with our relevant committees of urisdiction, other committees, agriculture proposals go to the committee.e tpp we've had various meetings hill.e every member of congress can see the text. we have taken the text up and alked through it with many, many members and asked -- answered questions about what they had about it. a bit of been quite interaction and input throughout this process.
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the end of ent at the day when we have a final agreement that we can show how he various outstanding issues have been resolved, that will demonstrate why it's good for district, essional for every state. how it will get the results. lack of s a transparency in the process, that it's really not fair given details. of what can you do to address that? >> well, i think the ransparency issue is a legitimate one. we try to be more transparent in the negotiation. mentioned the thousand plus briefings on capitol hill. we view congress as the people's and part of es their job is to be the condition ourselves and their constituents. but we also have multiple committees representing not just business interests, but union, jor labor environmental groups, public health groups, consumer groups, ho all have an opportunity to see the text and give us feedback on the specific textings.
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of we have an open policy seeing any stake holder group who wants to come in and see us. one step further in the tpp negotiations, we organized every tpp round, that literally hundreds of stake present ave come to their views, not just to us, to 11 u.s. negotiators but the others as well. e ensured all of our tpp partners are hearing from the stake holders. quite interactive with a lot of and transparent. >> we have a lot of ceos out here. what is your sense of business where they are on the trade pacs. you hear it's against many of the deals. ns and >> yeah, i think business generally is in favor of opening creating more opportunity for exporting from the u.p.s. job creation ive here in the united states. it helps to drive investment in the united states. each business is waiting until
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final deal hashe in their sector or their rare yeah before they declare themselves on it. but when 90% of the customers 80% of the purchasing power is critical in the success of the business. you need business to get this actively involved through members of congress? is hat we all need to do make sure people are understanding what the mplications of the trade agreements are. not just the supply companies suppliers, the supply chains, the tens of thousands -- up state is very much tied in the global economy. one thing that tpp does is focus small and ake sure go through them as well. origin, supply chains. how we can use the trade greements in their efforts to
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export to the global economy. >> there's been a lot said about the snowden leaks. week, there was a wikileaks document that included the papers. ow damaging is it to the u.s. negotiations? >> i think -- i think the -- the issues are largely separate from the trade egotiations and the europeans have indicated they wanted to keep the negotiations going transalantic trade in the partnership even as they get to do their dialogue on i has not had a significant impact on the transpacific negotiations. >> you mentioned china earlier, what is your sense of where right now in terms of -- in terms of china and what's really the wisdom in the -- in the end game tpp eping them out of the negotiations. is there a risk in the sense
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a dynamic of hina and the rest of the world on trade. >> going with tpp, it's not directed to any country. it's introducing new disciplines that are affecting our ability to compete in the world. it's intended to be an open platform. there are a number of countries they like to join once we're done with the agreement of the initial 12. is an ever expanding platform. there are a lot of issues that relationshipnd the to the trading system. we're all watching with great interest as the chinese talks about and puts out plans and hopefully executes reform agenda. it would be for the collective for china to engage in a more in depth market oriented reforms. seda at a points on both sides of the equation, positive data points in terms of appear to that they be talking about. negative data points in what they're doing in certain areas.
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the certain things that need to be weighled. >> has the u.s. been tough china on the ing wto accord? a sense that china has fallen on some of the stipulations in the wto pact? >> well, this is a key issue. one thing we've done in this administration is significantly ramp up our efforts.nt efforts.e enforcement we brought 14 wto cases. eight against china. underscore that if china is going to agree to various they tions and benefit, need to im34re789 their obligations as well and continue to hold their feet to the fire so. ing >> do you agree in china there's the sense that the environment as turned against western companies which is something lot seeing and hearing a about? >> we heard anecdotal reports of concern in that. western companies o be active in china and
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here's an ongoing dialogue on how to make that best happen ithout undue barriers or discrimination. >> europe can make dc look functional, someone joked today. there a real sense that a trade deal could happen in the climate in america? is there a political will? >> there's a lot of political ill to move forward with the transalantic trade investment partnership. it's a key part of how they view their growth strategy going opening hat they see exports, a reasing key part of enhancing their international competitiveness as well. t's been the evolution of certain sectors in the last 10, 5 years and certain procedural elements, the lisbon treaty and other innovations that create ore of an opportunity now to get this done than ever before. it doesn't mean it's not going to be hard. ut there are a number of
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difficult, outstanding issues. we see issues in different ways that we're going to have to work through. but i believe it's political will on both sides of the atlantic. > could you sketch out the parameters of the debate. from what i understand, that i ear not disagreements, over tariffs, traditional trade of negotiating really overnts, but regulatory frameworks. can we see a time in which a car inspected in europe just comes off of the boat and is accepted here in the u.s. without going through our system?ry >> i think you put your finger n the key issue, the -- the tariffs are relatively easy. most traditional nontariff are well known. we know how to address them. the biggest opportunity in this agreement, also the hardest is getting our hands around the regulatory and the standards piece of this. this is not a deregulatory agenda. we're not talking about lowering health, safety, environmental standards on either side of the
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atlantic. countries, both markets, have well regulated slightly at come to different conclusions. those different conclusions or results create unnecessary for trade. our goal is to see what we an do to eliminate those frictions by making sure that the regulators on both sides can take the actions they think are necessary to d protect the health, safety, and the environment that their come to expect. one example. perspective, if on both sides there was transparency, participation, and accountability, putting a draft egulation out in public, telling the public what it is you're going to regulate and hat the proposal was, allowing public comment, not just from your own citizens but from anybody around the world who of view and point being accountable for taking those comments and figuring out
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science evidence and how you're going to come forward with a rule and regulation that made sense. would go a that long way towards bridging the gap. it doesn't have to be them regulations or us adopting ours, but if we were matters ng regulatory in a similar fashion, we believe in evidence and science, and we believe through public participation, we're likely to get a better result than a worse result. simply improving those procedural areas could make in bringing erence our regimes closer together. >> taking a step back, the anti-trade sentiment is growing in many parts of the world, lobalization, flows of capital are increasing. what can you say generally to the right or to the left about addressing the -- the real concerns that there are simply some left behind by globalization and these free flows of capital. i think the t, issue of ensuring that the enefits of trade are broadly
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shared. and that people are taking into notunt the impact of trade, just in a macrosense, but also on a particular community and particular industries is very important. for example, through our trade policy, we've also een working to raise labor standards, raise environmental standards, raise intellectual around the ndards world so our workers are not put at a competitive disadvantage because of the others. we can't -- without raising the standards, this is going to be a race to the bottom. not a race weat's can win or want to run. our job is to create a race to he top where groups of countries come together and say, here are the standards we want to live by. so, we will attract investment and become the magnet for economic activity. i have to -- i think i have to disagree with one of the your question. i think look back over the last five years, it's remarkable that the worst financial and economic crisis in 80 years that littlethrough it with as
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protectionism as we did, no country was perfect. affected a tiny percent. protected e has been by protectionist measures in the last 25 years. that's remarkable. time, there's been an explosion of trade activity liberalization. we're not the only ones out here. them, but all across asia, bilateral, trilateral regional negotiations by other countries. the question isn't whether we're going open the markets or not, either we're going to open them on our terms or other eople's terms and we're going to have to take their standards and their disciplines as a status quo. infinitely better for us to be able to set the standards and playing field so we can have a better chance to compete. > on that note, let's take questions from the audience from
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froman about trade? while you're thinking, i have one for you. the anti-china trade agreement. it's going to seek to address that the e problems united states has had with china's obligations and failure wto.dhere to the can you tell us what tpp will do that wto didn't do regarding china. everyone in this room has business in china. everyone in this room has dealt you these problems that brought to the wto? >> again, china is not part of tpp. lot of the issues i think people worry about with regard to china are not limited to china. is a mechanism for us to work together to try to figure the right set of standards are. so, for example, state-owned enterprises. they're playing an increasingly global role in the economy against private firms. how do we ensure that if it's a
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enterprise largely focused on commercial activity they act like a commercial actor. don't take the benefits, captive, land, regulatory f forbearance. that's what we have to look at. for the tpp tunity countries to figure out what they think are the best build out from there. >> china sniffed around the tpp. made some remarks about the possible interest down the road. do you see china being able to dhere to the stricter requirements? >> our focus first and foremost is finishing with the 12. going to be complicated and challenging enough. then there are a group of countries and economies that expressed interest in joining that are probably closer to being able to live up to the
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we're trying to others.te in tpp than whether china joined i think is hypothetical question at this point. >> questions? >> let's get a microphone. you are. >> doug petersen, mcgraw hill financial. quick question on nafta. old is going to be 20 years on january 1. what would be the results and to can you use those lessons promote trade. >> 20 years to promote nafta. the looking at all of results of nafta. right now, just over 3 million jobs are tied to nafta to trade back and forth with and mexico. there are, you know, there's the all sorts of studies of impact of in a nafta. gdp ositive impact on rowth, the foregone tariffs
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that have been paid to institute a tax cut. there have been other elements, believe, out of nafta. nafta was 20 years ago. we learned a lot about the trading agreements and the trading system since nafta. hat's why the policy workers we're pursuing now builds on the lessons of nafta and focuses on labor standards, environmental standards, intellectual property right dealing with new issues like state owned enterprises and global supply we can help drive jobs in the united states, and we can ake this a magnet for production and for manufacturing. >> i want to thank ambassador froman. are a lot of effective trade negotiations coming out of washington. a terrific primer. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, ambassador. >> more tomorrow on u.s. trade olicy as former trade
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representatives talk about past trade agreements and the status transalantic trade and investment partnership negotiations between the u.s. and european union. will be hosted by the university of virginia's miller affairs, live c on c-span 3. long tradition of social media back to the ere era of cicero, the late roman republic, that's the first century bc. ou don't need a digital network. if you have one, it goes faster. you can do it in the old days. with papyrusdid it scrolls and other members were linked to him, they all spoke to each other.
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it was a social environment. there are many other examples that occurred throughout history. artin luther, the use of bolin.ts, poetry, ann the way pamphlets were used more the ly in a runup to american and french revolutions. years of st 2,000 communicating at 8:00 eastern on c-span 2. c-span, we bring public affairs events from washington irectly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearing, white house events, riefings, conference, and offering complete gavel-to-gavel us house all as a public service of private created where c-span, by the cable television industry by your ago and funded local cable or satellite you can watch us on
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c-span. >> the topic of the recent book, "gifts of the heart." after that, british prime minister, david cameron. that, supreme court ustice elena kagan about the inner workings of the supreme court. >> this week on "q&a," surgeon dr. hassan tetteh discusses his medical career, his service in afghanistan and his new book titled "gifts of the heart." >> dr. hassan tetteh, you told me just before we sat down that you did a heart transplant overnight. explain that. >> while the transplant is a big


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